Posts Web Fundamentals - TryHackMe

Web Fundamentals - TryHackMe

Web Fundamentals from TryHackMe

Task 1 - Introduction and Objectives

eh, generic intro stuff

Task 2 - How do we load websites?

  1. What request verb is used to retrieve page content?


  2. What port do web servers normally listen on?


  3. What’s responsible for making websites look fancy?


Task 3 - More HTTP - Verbs and request formats

  1. What verb would be used for a login?


  2. What verb would be used to see your bank balance once you’re logged in?


  3. Does the body of a GET request matter? Yea/Nay


  4. What’s the status code for “I’m a teapot”?


  5. What status code will you get if you need to authenticate to access some content, and you’re unauthenticated?


Task 4 - Cookies, tasty!

intro to cookies

Task 5 - Mini CTF

not going to post the flags here, instead the commands i used to obtain them (basically what a write-up is)

  1. What’s the GET flag?

    curl $MACHINE_IP/ctf/get

  2. What’s the POST flag?

    curl -X POST -d "flag_please" $MACHINE_IP/ctf/post

    -X for the request type and -d for the data to be sent in POST reqs

  3. What’s the “Get a cookie” flag?

    curl -c outcookie.txt $MACHINE_IP/ctf/getcookie

    -c for saving the cookies received

then check outcookie.txt for the flag

  1. What’s the “Set a cookie” flag?

    curl -b "flagpls=flagpls" $MACHINE_IP/ctf/sendcookie

    -b for setting the cookies to be used

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