Posts Sublist3r - TryHackMe

Sublist3r - TryHackMe

Sublist3r from TryHackMe

Task 1 - Intro

so cool, a subdomain finder

Task 2 - Installation

just basic setup

Task 3 - Switchboard

  1. What switch can we use to set our target domain to perform recon on?


  2. How about setting which engines we’ll use for searching? (i.e. google, bing, etc)


  3. Saving our output is important both so we don’t have to run recon again but also so we can return to our returns and review them at a later time. What switch do we use to define an output file?


  4. Sublist3r can sometimes take some time to run but we can speed through up the use of threads. Which switch allows us to set the number of threads?


  5. Last but not least, we can also bruteforce the domains for our target. This isn’t always the most useful, however, it can sometimes find a key domain that we might have missed. What switch allows us to enable brute forcing?


Task 4 - Scans away!

  1. Let’s run sublist3r now against, a fairly large American news company. Run this now with the command: python3 -d -o sub-output-nbc.txt

    sublister results

  2. Once that completes open up your results and take a look through them. Email domains are almost always interesting and typically have an email portal (usually Outlook) located at them. Which subdomain is likely the email portal?


  3. Administrative control panels should never be exposed to the internet! Which subdomain is exposed that shouldn’t be?


  4. Company blogs can sometimes reveal information about internal activities, which subdomain has the company blog at it?


  5. Development sites are often vulnerable to information disclosure or full-blown attacks. Two developer sites are exposed, which one is associated directly with web development?


  6. Customer and employee help desk portals can often reveal internal nomenclature and other potentially sensitive information, which dns record might be a helpdesk portal?


  7. Single sign-on is a feature commonly used in corporate domains, which dns record is directly associated with this feature? Include both parts of this subdomain separated by a period.


  8. One last one for fun. NBC produced a popular sitcom about typical office work environment, which dns record might be associated with this show?


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