Posts Simple CTF - TryHackMe

Simple CTF - TryHackMe

Simple CTF from TryHackMe

running our usual nmap scan, we get

nmap scan

  • we see that ftp is running at port 21 with anonymous ftp enabled

  • a web server is running at port 80 with default homepage

  • ssh service is up and running at port 2222

then i ran gobuster on the machine to get this

gobuster scan

the 3rd question involved CVEs, so i ran nmap -A $MACHINE_IP -oX simplectf_nmap.xml and then ran it through searchsploit


but i didn’t get any match for openssh exploit CVEs and other servies were not very conclusive, so i returned to the gobuster output and web-based vulns

the /simple directory was interesting

cms made v simple for me

so, cms made simple is there and we also get a lot of results in searchsploit

cms made simple X searchsploit

the version of cms being used was 2.2.8, so i searched for an exploit that was just after it and i found, CMS Made Simple < 2.2.10 - SQL Injection

it was CVE-2019-9053 and that was also the right answer. this was a sql injection based exploit and so the answer to the 4th question was sqli

the exploit can be found in /usr/share/exploitdb/exploits/php/webapps/ code was written in python2 and so i created a virtual environment and installed required modules

i had trouble getting the right salt :-( tried for about 2 hrs :-(. so i got the credentials from other writeups

so then i ran ssh mitch@$MACHINE_IP and entered the password (not gonna reveal it here, yea don’t remark the irony)

sshed in and user flag

as visible, the other user present is sunbath

then i ran sudo -l to see which programs i’m (ok mitch) is allowed to run as root

$ sudo -l
User mitch may run the following commands on Machine:
    (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/vim

ok it’s ezpz now, just launch vim with sudo and spawn a shell with :sh

now we have root shell, so we cat the root flag with cat /root/root.txt

ez privesc and root flag

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